Marduk / The Fleece / Bristol

Marduk / The Fleece / Bristol

Back at The Fleece in Bristol for the second night of our back-to-back black metal nights, and this time to see legendary Swedes Marduk.

Another four band line up, however, as with last night the first band Skaphos aren’t here. I can only assume another travel/visa issue, something happening far too often these days ☹

So first up, Dutch black metallists Doodswens (translates as Death Wish) step up to the stage. With their alter set, and incense lit, the three piece launch into their set with vigour. With Inge van der Zon on drums and vocals the beats are thunderous and the guttural screamed vocals dark and twisted. A focus on life and death and our bleakest emotions, they have risen from the underground scene, delivering a powerful set that gives expression to dark feelings of negativity and depression.

It’s a raw, and powerful performance. There is a balance between the occult atmosphere and the emotions of the human nature and the songs are well structured and delivered with aplomb. The whole set holds the audiences attention throughout and the crowd is really digging it, split into the two camps, headbangers to the fore and moshing further back.

Despite being hidden away behind the kit Inge is a powerful presence on stage. I really hope they continue their upward trajectory, as I’m sure they will grow into an even more visually impressive outfit alongside the likes of Marduk and Batushka.

Next up we have Origin, a technical black metal band from Topeka Kansas, founded in 1990. Origin are Mike Flores (Bass & Backing Vocals), Jason Keyser (Lead Vocals), John Longstreth (Drums) and Paul Ryan (Guitars / Backing Vocals). As they get ready in front of their speakers, singer Jason is prowling round in circles on the stage, fists clenched filled with energy…. Ready to explode.

And that’s exactly what happens as the first drum beats start up. Origin are an impressive bunch and relentlessly brutal right from the off. Paul’s guitar playing is fast paced and I’ve never seen anyone’s fingers move so fast on a bass before as Mike’s do, its simply mesmerising to watch.

There’s nothing quite like Origins sound on the black metal scene with an fast paced intensity unlike any other, and central to their ethos is audience engagement. It’s a riot on stage, and that boundary between band / stage / audience is non-existent ! Jason telling the crowd at every opportunity, that this is their night, to get up on stage and dive, to headbang like there’s no tomorrow and to go wild.

The eager Bristol crowd are more than happy to play along, clambering up over our shoulders onto the high stage, and Jason acting as ring master, stopping surfers, to give them a count down, or to make sure arms are raised in readiness before sending them out over the monitors !

Bodies are bouncing off each other as arms carry people round the room. The atmosphere is electric, and genuinely fun. At no point did I or anyone round me feel pushed, uneasy or worried, we all just had stupid grins over our faces. And through it all, the relentless blasting out of harsh riffs and ear deafening drum beats continued.

An Origin show is hard to describe, its like being punched repeated in the face by blasts of energy, and LOVING every second of it. Jason is like a man possessed, prowling, growling and dripping in sweat (and that’s by the end of the first song loL).

A set for the ages – pure adrenaline powered energy mixed with skillful death metal like you wont see anywhere else. By the end, we’re all literally catching our breathe….. brutal and amazing in equal measure.

A trip to the bar to refresh and its right back to the barrier for the entrance of the mighty Marduk.

Marduk were formed way back in 1990 in Norrköping, Sweden and they released their debut album “Dark Endless” in 1992 on No Fashion Records. The name Marduk is derived from an ancient Babylonian deity. Marduk are touring their brilliant latest album “Memento Mori”, released in 2023. A Memento Mori is an object kept as a reminder of the inevitability of death, something like a skull.

The smoke machines crank it up and smoke swirls round the stage to the sound of Gregorian-chant like singing as Marduk slowly walk out and take their places. This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for as the dark tones of On Darkened Wings ring out. The difference from Origin is immediately noticeable, the furious blistering pace replaced by a darker, deeper tone executed with immense skill. Mortuus (Daniel Rostén) on vocals is an impressive character on stage, not racing round, just immense size and stature dominating the crowd before him, his growling vocals roaring out across the room like a wild beast. Supported by Evil (Morgan Steinmeyer Håkansson) on guitar, who delivers some of the crispest, tightest black metal riffs you could want to hear. The sound quality is excellent, giving the performance depth.

After each song, they turn to face their speakers as they re-tune and Mortuus faces the drums to pour more water over himself before blasting out into the next track. The set is a great mix of new material from “Memento Mori” such as Blood of the Funeral and Shovel Beats Sceptre alongside classics such as Equestrian Bloodlust (Viktoria 2018), The Blond Beast (Frontschwein 2015) and Throne of Rats (Plague Angel 2004). We even went back to their classic debut album “Dark Endless” from 1992 for The Funeral Seemed to Be Endless.

Its hard to pick a favourite track, the setlist is just one classic after another and the time flies by. Before you know it, they reach the end and go out with a blast in the form of their iconic live anthem Panzer Division Marduk.

Marduk are a class act live. Less theatrical than others, they rely of the quality of their material and their energy to deliver a dominant performance. Imposing and impressive, Marduk are right up there as one of the best live black metal bands you could ever hope to see.



On Darkened Wings

Equestrian Bloodlust

Shovel Beats Sceptre

Souls for Belial

The Funeral Seemed to Be Endless

With Satan and Victorious Weapons


Blood of the Funeral

The Levelling Dust

The Sun Has Failed

The Blond Beast

Throne of Rats



Panzer Division Marduk

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